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Play Sounds of Oktoberfest

 -Translations and Connotations-

Anchor 1


More than "just a housewife," Germans know the connotation of a respected, organized, and efficient manager of home & family, purveyor of hospitality...with a healthy dash of Gemütlichkeit.

Ein Prosit

A toast, combined with Gemütlichkeit meaning "a toast to good health (or well-being)"  Stand up, raise your maßkrug high, sway and sing cheers the way they do in Bavaria and in Oktoberfest party tents!


The German Bier Purity Law decreed by Duke Wilhelm of Bavaria in 1516 which allows only water, hops, malt, and later, yeast, in every stein.  You'd be shocked at the additives other brewers used in the past and even today!


Warmth, friendliness, & good cheer. Coziness, peace of mind; a sense of belonging and well-being springing from social acceptance; experienced while eating and drinking in a biergarten

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